We all have values and principles that guide our thoughts, decision-making, and actions in life. Whatever your beliefs and guiding spiritual principles, it helps to connect your green journey to these principles. I discuss this topic in more depth on my page about The 7 S’s of Greener Living. We all believe in something and look for guidance in certain principles. Turning to the spiritual principles that guide your life in general is a good way to think about how you’ll approach sustainability. It is helpful and increases your chances of reaching your goals.

I am not defining spirituality narrowly as religion, but in a broader sense. Spirituality is here thus understood as relating to spirit and soul, and distinguished from physical nature.

I personally like the guiding spiritual principles gathered together by 12-step programs of recovery. Also some other commonly accepted rules of conduct guide my action. Most of these principles presented below are rather universal. As stated in Dan Mager’s post on spiritual principles, they “have been part of most of the world’s important spiritual traditions for centuries.”

Dan Mager (MSW) also states:

“Spiritual principles open and soften the heart, connecting us more deeply and intimately with others, with the world around us, and with our authentic selves.”