When starting going green, I had to first accept that there are many things that I cannot control that are happening with our environment and how the environment is managed. It was important for me to be clear what I am powerless over, and where I can influence. This avoided me of getting overwhelmed and wasting my precious time and energy on trying to change the things I could not. An ecological burn out is not for what I aim for.

Greening my own lifestyle was among those things where I could start to change right away. Today, two months later, I cannot believe that I bike again, do not use Nespresso café capsules at home, make my own laundry detergent, grow and freeze kale, eat more local and organic food that is not wrapped into plastic, have reduced our energy and water consumption and the way we recycle. Since I accepted my limits, I have changed more in few weeks than during many years before. It is amazing how it works!